Not only a city…

.. but also stunning nature and wildlife.

As the weather holds us in New Orleans (temperatures more North or West are even worse), we checked out what to do besides visiting the city of New Orleans all day and night long.

They have some beautiful city parks to stroll around (e.g. Audubon Park) with huge old oak trees (see small Dominik in comparison), a long distance bike trail (Tammany Trace) and several swamps or bayou’s where you can do canoe and/or airboat tours, which we did – both 🙂

City Parks:20180110-IMG_107920180113-IMG_146720180113-IMG_1483

Canoe Tour:20180111-IMG_141420180111-DSC_002020180111-DSC_0012

Airboat Tour:20180109-IMG_132720180109-DSC_003320180110-IMG_137420180109-DSC_0023

And to give you a bit more of a real taste to it: Here our video to both of our water tours:

And these pals were just in front of our RV waiting for us to come out.. until Eyra has barked them away 😦20180112-DSC_0041

4 thoughts on “Not only a city…

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  1. Gorgeous! Imagine how beautiful it would all be if it were summer!
    Can’t wait to follow in your footsteps some day and see all the beautiful places and do all the exciting things you guys are doing!


  2. You both, should figure out how to market these photos to a travel entity in both Louisiana, & Florida for both domestic and international travelers. The pictures, movies and settings are just “fabbie”.


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